Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Double Feature Series #1: Man's Search for Meaning

This is the first post in what I'm calling my double feature series, in which I post a pairing of two movies that I love. These movies will usually be made 20+ years apart and are thematically related somehow. I see one as a sort of a spiritual successor of the other. The point is to avoid blatantly obvious pairings or homages that have been pointed out before (like certain Woody Allen movies combined with certain Bergman movies, for example). Instead, I aim to bring two seemingly disconnected films together, into one thought.

The first entry in this series is two of my absolute favourite movies: 

Wild Strawberries (1957) and Five Easy Pieces (1970)

These films both explore themes of meaning in one's life, the relationship between success and happiness, alienation, the strained relationship between father and son, and the dismissal of woman. They are particularly personal to me I think primarily as a man, as the men featured are often despicable reflections into my own being. Perhaps all can find the same solace in them as I, who knows! Regardless, I highly recommend them.

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